Hello and welcome,
This website discusses the proposed Grand Unification Theory (GUT) or Theory of Everything (TOE) named the “Dot Theory.”
That may mean nothing to you but it’s a theoretical framework like Newtonian physics, the Standard Model, Quantum physics or the theory of evolution. It’s a way of describing things that gives order and structure, so we can understand and predict how they relate. What I did was create a new such framework (the Dot theory) that works better than the one Albert Einstein proposed by making a tiny change to the mathematical perspective he used. It solves a lot of problems, is simple, makes perfect sense and predicts.
This has a significant impact on how we understand information and how we can help ourselves and care for ourselves, and that is important.
Now, it feels extremely weird and weirdly arrogant to write down you fixed something that someone as brilliant as Albert Einstein came up with, but I realised that the cost of delay due to shyness in having this theory published and seriously considered, would delay a significant improvement in human quality of life (the main by-product of the Dot theory). In this matter I would prefer to have been shown as wrong than dispassionate. So yes, it’s a big statement but it’s important stuff.
The site’s purpose is to present this theoretical framework to a) enable peer review of its proposed logic, to b) confidently support the development of a data base management system that is useful for predictive healthcare and, c) to ratify its logic as the GUT.
The power of this theory being ratified as the GUT is that it enables a significant improvement in the quality of life as is the want of theories on reality. A theory itself does not solve a problem, it provides a framework of understanding that enables the solving a problem. This is a highly unusual set of things to consider, but only means that we solve problems and make the technology that makes our lives better, by understanding our personal relationship with reality better and making it increasingly malleable to our social and personal needs. The two great theories that have leapfrogged humanity into the modern era of comfort, safety and health and wellbeing are Newtonian and Quantum mechanics respectively.
The Dot theory is a further refinement/elaboration on the theory underpinning Quantum mechanics that enables a better understanding of reality and the paper presents a practical use-case (solving a problem) to achieve valuable real world improvements for humans by evaluating and predicting best-outcomes for treatment and lifestyle modification. It’s weird, I know.
The fact that we are discussing data that describes the human experience of reality as a “health-data set” (collection of stuff that describes how you’re put together and how that feels to you) in this clinical use case example, demonstrates how this theory introduces the individual observer perspective into the calculation. That’s what’s weird. We always used to do math in pursuit of some universal truth. When you accept there is no universal truth that can be universally described, you see that you can only really take your own point of view. That is what this is: the math is being done from the observer’s point of view, not everyone’s.
In this sense, the Dot theory posits that Einstein was correct by introducing his universal constant (if you knew), but Quantum mechanics was using Spinors with inappropriately set-defined terms creating lensing. The Dot theory, is in this mathematical sense, simply a redefinition of the terms of angular position and position in the Spinor (terms that define the geometry of how things relate).
So, it’s a little change in something you’d have no reason to change, that has a massive impact on how we can live life.
Please do what you can to get this read, seen, shared and put in front of people who can help this become reality.
It’s really important. Thank you,
Original publication date: 24/09/2024
Computationally speaking:
The Dot theory is a method to increase the accuracy of our understanding of our individual relationship with reality.
The method consists of a) altering the meaning of the mathematical object called Spinor and b) following the logical conclusions from the suggested operation, to then c) apply them as a computing-methodology. This enables the systematic use of existing computational mechanisms to produce reliable, predictive healthcare and lifestyle modification systems and demonstrates practical, real world, entanglement.
The short paper for it can be found here (and commented on its section in the blog posts), whilst the entire (discussion) paper can be found and discussed in segments as blog posts under the heading “Paper" numbered 1 to 11 with 9 and 10 being the mathematical proposition for principal evaluation.
The dot theory is a theory, or set of ideas, that explains the principles of how to make better decisions and calculate reality more accurately, based on ever-refining definitional terms. At it simplest it proposes reality as data that is uniquely readable from individual perspectives (observers).
Like Quantum, Newtonian or Evolutionary theory, it explains the principles behind a specific effect and even enables us to make testable assumptions (predictions) about that effect.
Quantum theory explains and makes it possible to calculate the behaviour of reality as matter and energy at atomic and subatomic levels.
Evolutionary theory explains the presence and diversity of life on Earth in our lived reality through the synergistic macro- and micro-evolutions of temporarily advantageous traits.
Dot theory explains what to do with data describing reality to make it possible to more accurately calculate and predict the behaviour of reality.
This theory does that by proposing a logic which interestingly can in turn be translated in a variety of executions in:
Computer Science
Theoretical Physics
This versatile and pluripotent phenomenon is simply a by-product of the theory’s resultant effect (identifying the logic needed to understanding how to make better decisions) which has applications of interest in all three these fields.
When translated into database management tools, it is a logic that looks at data describing the behaviour needed to move from one state to another (Topological Kinesiomorphology) and offers it as solution on the condition that this move, historically, resulted in the best improvement in a most-similar set of traits, circumstances and behaviours. Consequentially, it offers the best/most accurate available choice from any existing database. This is particularly relevant in behavioural analytics and healthcare. The proposal consists of an Ai-database search function based-n-Ary tree function.
When translated into theoretical physics , it can be understood as a modification to the geometry of the mathematical object used to describe reality in physics, and quantum mechanics specifically: the Spinor. This modification introduces novel layers within Hilbert spaces and operators and a future opportunity to utilise quantum computation for the accurate calculation of reality as well as a present one to improve predictions of the self-referential lived (such as “health”, “pain” or “wellbeing”) experience using pseudo-quantum computation.
In healthcare, it offers pseudo-quantum computation of the personal, digitally mediated lived experience, for the most-accurate calculation of the best-next step, treatment or behaviour.
In philosophy it offers a considered overview of meaning, purpose, progress and evolution.
This juxtaposition may seem odd at first; however, it is, I believe, the Grand Unified Theory and that is an extraordinary object. It unifies all fundamental forces and principles of physics into a single theoretical framework and is the expected integrated progression from Classical and Quantum mechanics.
In fact, the Dot theory is simply a theory that describes reality more accurately than we currently know it. Ultimately, all three these theories are just ways of relating data describing reality in such a way that the outcome is (more) predictable. In the case of the Dot Theory, the subject under view is observed reality.
The reason this paper will not frame this theory as E=M(.)C^3 is because this only functionally usurps existing theories by adjusting the math only. Thus, it required a math paper to be written to suggest the alteration to the mathematics, and an explanation given for the reason to do it in the first place (entanglement of self-referential data aka real-time prediction) which is what can be found on this site.
To be clear, the Dot Theory, as a GUT in physics, is Professor Einstein’s theory, but now with the proposed modified Spinor mathematics and meaning attributed.
The modification simply introduces a functionally (by virtue of the complex and perspective-dependent nature of the observational perspective) lensed constant (the Dot constant; symbol: circle with dot in the middle, relative to the speed of light) to the existing computations. This constant is calculated from the meta-meta data of observer bias, then de-lenses and removes the much debated dyschronometric fuzziness.
The opportunities offered in physics etc will emerge with Quantum computational capability, whereas the logic for healthcare (self-referential lived experience) prediction is available immediately. The immediate practical application is in the management of the individual, digitally mediated healthcare experience, by linking and offering to you, the best advice and treatment pathways followed and received by other people that are, and behave, most like you. This is, in essence, to form reliable, confidently weighted predictive entanglement based on historical behavioural patterns across databases.
This represents a phenomenon known as real-world Bell’s inequality violation, making the data describing reality local, the observer creative, and reality itself non-local. This needs to be discussed, tested and considered in our understanding of the world and the universe.
Your participation and commentary, however expressed, is gratefully received and fundamental to this project’s success. It will improve lives dramatically if correct.
The complete discussion paper contains a) the main paper (Section 11 “Addendum E”): a brief mathematical section on Spinor set theory, and the recalibration of the set-definition of Spinors as briefly discussed in the Dot Theory short paper (and demonstrated geometrically in this video) and b) a 67-page introduction and explanation of its purpose and usage both mathematically and computationally.
The dot theory is introduced conceptually under the header “Dot Theory.”
Please support this work by purchasing a copy on Kindle or subscribing to our Patreon page here.
The aims of this project are to:
a) publish for internet-review this GUT and claim Copyright/authorship.
b) draw attention and offer the opportunity to develop its applications and implementations as open-source access knowledge.
c) draw intellectual and investor support to the realization of its first real-world application:
the delivery of improved healthcare by a shift in computational perspective on data.
Whilst its mathematical logic also offers us a GUT, and has all the expected impact on science and other areas of the human experience, its immediate and driving application is the improvement of healthcare services worldwide.
Maybe this is what was meant by a “healthcare revolution”: a seismic shift in our understanding of the world, born through healthcare:
We are data.
Let’s compute the data that describes the behaviour of data (reality) for what it is.
Your active and constructive collaboration to this project will assist its success dramatically.
Thank you,
Stefaan and Team